RVNA News 2014

January 24, 2014

As decided at the 2013 RVNA members meeting, we created the 2014 RVNA Newsletter, describing some of the accomplishments of our Reynier Village Neighbhorhood Association, inviting residents to join our FREE Mailing list and to sign up for membership.
The typesetting design was done by SLB Printing, that recently  opened at 2822 Robertson, because one of the goals of RVNA is to patronize the businesses in our neigbhorhood. Check our Robertson webpage.
The bright red flyer below was distributed to our 20 volunteer Block Captains, who will deliver it to every home in Reynier Village.
RVNA believes it is important for everyone to be connected to prevent crime and help each other in emergencies.

RVNA 2014 News-red1s

RVNA 2014 News-red2s

Events 2013



RVNA members 2013

Campos on Robertson (c) Elisa Leonelli
Campos on Robertson (c) Elisa Leonelli

Sunday December 15, 2013

RVNA called a lunch meeting at Campos on Robertson for dues-paying members to exchange ideas with board and block captains about the plans of the Reynier Village Neighborhood Association for 2014.
It was decided that a flyer will be created and distributed in January to all 500 plus households within our boundaries, explaining what we have been doing for our neighbors since 2007, soliciting sign-ups and renewals by February 15, 2014, when the current membership year expires.
We will make more clear that residents may elect NOT to have APS Patrol Service, and only pay $20 dues, instead of $70. However we may lose APS completely in 2015, since a minimum of 100 members is required.
We will invite all residents to get on our FREE mailing list to receive news and alerts, so we may be connected in case of emergency and to prevent crime.
RVNA has partnered with Dr. Andrew Leavenworth, who plans to go door to door offering sign-ups for FREE CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) classes.
RVNA is committed to organize 4 park night events in 2014, a tradition since 2005.

RVNA Yard Sale 2013

Saturday September 21, 2013

Today the Reynier Village Neighborhood Association organized its annual Community Yard sale, with the help of realtor Dan May. 25 households participated and displayed sales items in their yards or garages from 9am to 1pm, engaging in friendly chats with their neighbors.

Thanks Dan, and let us all work together to make this event even better next year.


RVNA Yard Sale-s

RVNA Park Nights 2013

June 26, 2013

The RVNA Newsletter announcing our 7th Summer Park Nights has been distributed to our 20 dedicated Block Captains who will deliver it to every home in Reynier Village (more than 500). Everyone living in the neighborhood is invited to join the members of the Reynier Village Neighborhood Association to chat, eat tasty treats and learn about the benefits of membership. Today we reached our goal of 100 dues-paying members!
Please join us, united we stand stronger.

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