RVNA Yard Sale 2014

Saturday September 20, 2014

Today RVNA held their annual Community yard sale, coordinated by friendly realtor Dan May.  24 households participated, 15 were dues-paying RVNA members.

On August 21 RVNA sent an email to 400 addresses on mailing list, inviting residents to participate as sellers.  Dan May printed the color flyer below and delivered to over 500 homes in Reynier Village. On September 14 RVNA emailed a reminder with the deadline to be included in the sellers map, and to invite residents to participate as buyers. On September 19 Dan posted street signs pointing to each address holding a yard sale.

The nearby Helms Neighborhood Association held a yard sale on the same day, after coordinating with RVNA, and advertised it on Nextdoor.com.

Please email RVNA with your suggestions on how to improve this event next year. reyniervillage@yahoo.com

2014 RVNA Yard Sale

RVNA Park Nights 2014

July 10, 2014

RVNA members continue the tradition started in 2007 of inviting neighbors to join us for Summer park nights at Reynier Park.
The dates for 2014 are Wednesdays 7 to 8 pm: July 9, 23 – August 6, 20
June 30 an email invitation was sent to the Reynier Village residents who signed up for our free RVNA mailing list to receive news about local events and emergency preparedness classes.
July 7 a reminder was sent to RVNA members, board, block captains and volunteers.

Argentinian Empanadas (c) Elisa Leonelli
Argentinian Empanadas (c) Elisa Leonelli

July 9 approximately 40 neighbors gathered to chat and enjoy a variety of pizzas from THE COOP and fresh fruit.
July 23 Mexican food from CAMPOS (2639 S Robertson: 310-202 7308)
August 6 ARGENTINIAN EMPANADAS (2513 S Robertson: 310-836 5944)
August 20 pasta and salad from BELLA ROMA (1509 S Robertson: 310-277 7662)

Please walk over to find out how it feels to be connected to like-minded neighbors, who care about keeping Reynier Village a safe and clean place to live.

RVNA Board


Neighborhood leaders 2014

June 7, 2014

RVNA sponsored a meeting of leaders of nearby neighborhood associations to exchange ideas and explore joint initiatives. In attendance were: Collette McFadden, Castle Heights Communications, Sandy Block and Sherilyn Correa, Crestview Co-Presidents, Laura Anderson, Faircrest Heights President, Cristina Paul, Kyle & Mariah Christy, Helms, Elisa Leonelli and Hector Garza Reynier Village Co-Presidents.
One idea RVNA will start implementing right away is a welcome gift basket of fruits and veggies to be presented to new home-owners moving into Reynier Village.

Romanesco cauliflower

SORO Fest 2014

Saturday May 24, 2014

RVNA sent a message about the SORO Fest to the neighbors on our mailing list.
This local event in Reynier Village attracts visitors from the larger SORO community.  We’re lucky that we don’t have to drive and find parking, we can just walk out of our homes and enjoy the day, shop at the booths, get information, eat from the food trucks, mingle with our neighbors.
Please stop by the booth of local artist Barbara Mendes who designed this flyer.
SORO Fest 14

SORO Elections 2014

2014 voters wanted

May 18, 2014

SORO NC (South Robertson Neighborhood Council) held their board elections today.
15 seats were up for renewal for a 2-year or a 4-year term. 29 candidates were running.

On May 10 RVNA sent a message to our mailing list of 350 neighbors, encouraging them to attend the Meet the Candidates Forum on May 15, read the Candidates statements, then to vote on May 18, from 10am to 4pm at Shenandoah School.

To find out who was elected, check the SORONC website, sign up for their mailing list.