Emergency Preparedness 2015

March 14, 2015

Reynier Village residents were invited to an Emergency Preparedness Meeting presented by Dr. Andrew Leavenworth, CERT Regional Team Leader for South Robertson.
Tuesday March 24 at 7.30pm
Palms Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2908 Robertson Place
The movie “Surviving the Big One” was shown, followed by a Q&A about practical tips on how to organize with your neighbors to help each other in case of a disaster, like an earthquake.

Northridge earthquake, Jan 16, 1994
Northridge earthquake, Jan 16, 1994

RVNA News 2015

January 18, 2015

A RVNA 2015 NEWS flyer was printed, at our local SLB Printing on Robertson, and distributed to our 20 volunteer Block Captains, who will deliver it door to door to every home in Reynier Village.
As proposed by the board and approved by the membership, 2 more blocks were added, Garth Avenue and Corning Street. We hope that a RVNA presence in that area will help deter crime, when neighbors watch out for each other, and are offered the benefit of APS patrols, with RVNA membership.
The new 2015 RVNA board was also approved by voting members.

RVNA Flyer 2015
RVNA Flyer 2015-2

Events 2014

Reynier Park 2014s


RVNA party 2014

Happy Holidays

December 7, 2014

RVNA invited their members (150) to a meeting and party at Grand Casino.  Assorted empanadas and cookies, iced tea and lemonade were served. Members and board discussed plans for making Reynier Village a better place to live in 2015.

Elisa Leonelli will continue to serve as Communications and Webmaster, Hector Garza as Treasurer, Steve Demmer as Vice-President, Angelica Hess will help again with Summer Park Nights.  Andrew Leavenworth will organize a community meeting about emergency preparedness.  John Palmerton will revise our original 2007 bylaws.  Dan Halloran will increase RVNA presence on Social Media: Facebook, Nextdoor, Twitter.  Two more members volunteered to join the board: Edgardo Perez and Anabel Aispuro.

A 2015 RVNA News flyer will be printed in January and distributed to the more than 500 homes in Reynier Village by our 20 block captains.

Please let us know if you wish to volunteer your time and skills to keep RVNA active.
Email RVNA with your questions and suggestions.

Thanks for your support
RVNA Board


RVNA Board elections 2015

November 14, 2014

During 2014 RVNA functioned with an interim Board, since we were unable to hold our bi-annual elections in 2013, because not enough candidates volunteered.
Read Election News 2013 for more details.
Elisa Leonelli handled Communications, acted as President and Secretary, Hector Garza performed his functions as Treasurer, Steve Demmer organized Summer Park Nights as Vice-President, with the help of Angelica Hess. Andrew Leavenworth held Emergency Preparedness classes in Reynier Park. John Palmerton acted as Board member At Large.

At a November 11 interim Board meeting, it was decided that 2014 RVNA members will be invited to serve their community as candidates for the 2015 RVNA Board positions described below, for a 2-year term from February 15, 2015 to February 15, 2017. Deadline to submit their candidacy and qualifications: December 10, 2014.

All Reynier Village residents are encouraged to volunteer their time and skills to keep RVNA active.  Please email us with your proposals.

Descriptions of 2015 RVNA Board Positions, based on the services that RVNA has been providing for RVNA members and Reynier Village Residents since 2007.

President:  Represent RVNA to other organizations such as SORO NC (South Robertson Neighborhood Council), nearby Neighborhood Associations, LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department), LA City departments, Councilman’s office.
Vice-President: Organize social activities, like summer park nights, block captains brunch, members gatherings, annual yard sale.
Treasurer:  Collect annual fees, maintain financial records and database of paid members.
Secretary:  Maintain files for each block and lists of email addresses, build Excel database, coordinate Block Captains, solicit membership and sign-ups to mailing list, walk door to door, deliver APS signs.
Communications:  Follow neighborhood activities of interest and communicate the info to RVNA mailing list of residents.  Write and design newsletter.
Crime:  Review crime updates from LAPD and Crime Mapping, solicit details from victims of burglaries and car theft. Send crime prevention tips to RVNA mailing list, including graffiti and littering. Coordinate trash cleanups.
Emergency: Organize classes for Reynier Village residents about Emergency Preparedness, offer advice about emergency supplies. Coordinate neighbors with special skills to help each block in case of a disaster.
Webmaster: Create posts and updates for the website www.reyniervillage.com and the blog www.reyniervillage.org.
At Large: Explore ideas for activities to benefit Reynier Village residents, help with any of the above tasks.