Monday February 6, 2012 – 7 pm
Reynier Village Community Meeting – Speakers
Doug Fitzimmons: President SORO NC
Mario Gonzales: WLAPD Senior Lead Officer
Vernon Rosado: Owner APS (Alexander Protective Services)
Liz Carlin: Deputy Councilman Herb Wesson, District 10
Andrew Leavenworth: CERT, Emergency Preparedness
SORO Fruit Pick 2012
SORO Art Center 2012
Events 2011
RVNA Go Solar 2011
Sunday November 6, 2011 – 2 to 4 pm
5570 W Washington Blvd. LA 90016
Open Neighborhoods (James Brennan) has teamed with PermaCity (Herb Mendlsohn) to offer the residents of Reynier Village a free workshop on how to install affordable solar panels on your home or business, take advantage of a group discount and get rebates from LADWP.
You don’t even have to put any money down, you may lease the equipment for a monthly fee lower than your electric bill.
Reduce your dependency on fossil fuels, switch to a renewable source of energy.
Click on our Reynier Village Blog post for more info.
If you’re ready for a free solar assessment, call: 310-893 3100